Separation Agreement
Understanding Separation Agreements vs. Divorce
Many couples choose separation as an alternative to divorce. A separation agreement allows couples to live apart while legally defining responsibilities, finances, and parenting arrangements. Unlike divorce, a separation does not legally end the marriage.
Legal termination of marriage: A divorce legally dissolves the marriage, meaning both parties are free to remarry.
Court involvement: Divorce requires a legal filing, a formal process, and often a final judgment from a court.
Division of assets and custody: The court will issue orders regarding property division, child custody, child support, spousal support, and other matters.
Final and binding: Once finalized, a divorce is a permanent dissolution of the marriage.
Separation Agreement
Legal contract between spouses: A separation agreement is a written contract between spouses who choose to live separately but remain legally married.
Covers similar issues as divorce: The agreement can outline child custody, support, division of assets, and other responsibilities.
No court order required: Unlike divorce, this agreement does not need court approval (unless challenged or incorporated into a later divorce case).
Couples remain legally married: This means they cannot remarry unless they eventually get a divorce. Some couples choose this for religious, financial, or personal reasons.
Can be temporary or long-term: Some use it as a step toward divorce, while others maintain it indefinitely.
Key Takeaways
Divorce ends the marriage; separation does not.
A separation agreement is a contract, while a divorce is a legal process.
Some couples choose separation for financial or religious reasons.
A separation agreement can later be converted into a divorce settlement.
Why Choose a Separation Agreement?
Maintain financial and legal protections while living apart.
Resolve custody, support, and property issues without divorcing.
Explore reconciliation without the finality of divorce.
At Adriatic Mediation, we guide couples through creating fair and enforceable separation agreements that meet their unique needs.